An update from Ian Fleming Publications via Moneypenny
By: FSWL team
Today, the From Sweden with Love team members received a new personal message from Moneypenny's desk. It contains an exciting update from the good people at Ian Fleming Publications in London. Classification: Gold level (For Your Eyes Only)
The message reads as follows...
“To our agents in the field,
M has given me the green light to report on a key milestone in the 2023 reissue of the original James Bond novels. As of today, the new digital eBook versions of the fourteen Bond adventures, plus the two Fleming non-fiction titles
Thrilling Cities and
The Diamond Smugglers, have been successfully deployed to all good retailers of digital books within the United Kingdom.
On February 17th 1952, Ian Fleming sat down at his typewriter in Goldeneye, Jamaica, and began writing Casino Royale. His aim was to create the ‘spy story to end all spy stories'. We are publishing the eBooks today, 71 years later, to mark this historic occasion.
These highly sought after digital releases represent the first step in
Ian Fleming Publications’ mission to bring the Bond books to all fans and to publish them to Ian Fleming’s own high standards. These adventures are more valuable to us than any diamond, Spektor machine or golden gun.
For now, the eBooks are being distributed with holding covers, ahead of the official new cover reveals, which are to remain top secret a while longer.
Your action is now urgently required: it is imperative that these eBooks are added to as many eReader devices as possible, so please widely share the below link with your trusted networks.
>View the Kindle editions here
Expect more from me extremely soon on the covers and our US publishing partner...

Miss Moneypenny”