Las Vegas: Finding Blofeld's HQ in Vegas
By: Marcus Nohlberg
Vegas, Baby! We’ll, it is kind of a magic place, Vegas. It really isn’t like any other place I’ve been to, but then again it doesn’t really feel like a real place. More like a Disneyland with gambling and liquor.
Las Vegas is kind of an unreal place; everything is huge, bright and, well, fake. The parking lot you can see on the picture is actually a view from my window at the Boardwalk Hotel.

My hotel has hopefully been torn down by now as it was kind of a crappy place even though it was on the Strip, which really is the place to be in Vegas.

I was planning to go see some shows, but the one I really wanted to see,
Penn & Teller, weren’t playing during the time I was there. Nor were there any fights at Caesars Palace, but I did go to see Fashionistas on a whim. It turned out to be a lot of people dancing and wearing latex suits. Not my cup of tea.

Gambling is was Vegas are about. And it is plentiful. But the vast majority of all gambling is the slots. And the crappy odds aside, the slots are really, really boring to play.

Sadly, the real casino games all tended to be quite expensive, with a betting minimum of at least 10 USD.
I really liked visiting Vegas, but I am kind of doubtful to whether I want to go back or not. The Grand Canyon, however, is amazing.
Written by Marcus Nohlberg. Copyright © 2005 From Sweden with Love.