Private Signing With Bernard Horsfall
By: FSWL team
Bernard Horsfall - Campbell in ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - will do a private signing with Bondstars on July 14th 2010.
Other essential information before ordering
-The cost per signed item is £26, this includes worldwide postage and packing.
-Bernard will happily dedicate a still if required but please keep the dedication short e.g To John, Best Wishes etc. (Bondstars\Mr Horsfall have the right to edit dedications if felt necessary.)
-Unfortunately we cannot accept your own items to be signed.
-Your item will be shipped as soon as Bondstars receive them back from Mr Horsfall.
-All stills below are 10" x 8".
-If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Bondstars on
All orders must be received by July 1st.
To order your signed photo of Bernard Horsfall, click below: