Exklusiv Roger Moore auktion till förmån för UNICEF
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21

Exklusiv Roger Moore auktion till förmån för UNICEF

Av: Anders Frejdh
Roger Moore Unicef Cathia Hamel portrait
Roger Moore Unicef Cathia Hamel portrait
In September 2007, the portrait of actor and UNICEF ambassador Sir Roger Moore was unveiled at the Resto-Club Largo in Quebec City, Canada.

The following were present during the ceremony:
• Evelyne Guindon, General Director UNICEF Quebec.
• Sophie Maciagowsky, administrator Festival de cinéma des 3 Amériques
• Hilary Saltzman, administrator Festival de cinéma des 3 Amériques
• Cathia Hamel, portrait artist and sculptor
• Gino Ste-Marie, the Largo Foundation for the Arts
• Yves Lacasse, President of Festival de cinéma des 3 Amériques
• Muriel Jaouich, Communications & Marketing, UNICEF Quebec

The original portrait and eight numbered lithographs, all framed and signed by Sir Roger Moore and artist Cathia Hamel, are up for sale.

The size of the original painting is 30x24 inch and the size of the lithographs is 20x16 inch.

The proceeds from this sale will benefit UNICEF (13 lithographs were printed and signed originally, Sir Roger has no 1 and no 3, 7, 9 and 10 have already been sold.).

The following lithographs are available during this sale: no 5, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 13 and can be bought directly via Paypal below for 600 Canadian dollars incl. worldwide shipping with FedEx.

The bidding for the original painting started at 2900 Canadian dollars but as no bids came in, it is still available. Feel free to bid and email your highest bid to unicef@jamesbond007.se incl. your postal address and telephone number. After a verification process and acceptance by the artist and UNICEF Canada, the highest bidder will be informed as the winner.

More information about the work of artist Cathia Hamel can be found on her website:http://www.cathiahamel.com/
Anything that is unclear and that you want to ask about, feel free to contact Anders Frejdh.

Special thanks to Sir Roger Moore, Gareth Owen, Hilary Saltzman, Gino Ste-Marie, Marie-France Vienne and of course Cathia Hamel.

Very exclusive items as they will never be repeated!

For more info on Sir Roger Moore and his work for UNICEF, visit his official website:

UNICEF is the world's leader for children, working in 155 countries and territories to save, protect and enhance the lives of girls and boys. UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, promotes quality basic education, protects children from violence, exploitation and AIDS, and is the world's largest provider of vaccines for developing nations. A global leader in emergencies with six decades of on-the-ground experience, UNICEF saves and rebuilds children's lives in natural disasters and conflict. UNICEF is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from individuals, businesses, foundations, schools, associations and governments.

Artist Cathia Hamel with Sir Roger Moore.
Click on the logo for more info about UNICEF.

All lithograps signed by Sir Roger Moore



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh