Richard Le Parmentier (Skådespelare)
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

Richard Le Parmentier (Skådespelare)

Av: Anders Frejdh
Richard Le Parmentier Octopussy
Amerikansk rådgivare i OCTOPUSSY 1983

Vår gode vän Mark Honeyball tog hand om Octopussy (1983) (1983) skådespelaren Richard Le Parmentier under Memorabilia i Birmingham 2007.

Mark var snäll och skickade bilden nedan och sade att Richard var en trevlig person och en mycket vänlig man i verkliga livet.

Tyvärr avled Richard Le Parmentier bort den 16 april 2013. Våra tankar går till hans familj som kommenterade hans bortgång så här:

"Every time we find someone’s lack of faith disturbing, we’ll think of him.

At age 66, Richard Le Parmentier is one with the Force. We’re deeply grateful to the many devoted fans who have posted personal remembrances of our dad as a warm, genuine person with an unparalleled joie de vivre and gift for friendship (not to mention a mean petanque player).

To his fans and friends, his lines were the ultimate power in the universe. He absolutely loved travelling the world and meeting his friends and fellow Star Wars fan – whose tributes have given us all the best lines in this message. He told us many stories of the hospitality he enjoyed. He usually lived in Bath, England, but was visiting us in Austin, Texas. We feel very lucky to have been able to spend time with him on a regular basis. He was no respecter of convention, except comic conventions.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Richard was a talented actor and director whose career spanned four decades and dozens of projects. He edited another draft of his latest project two days before death, with its sorcerer’s ways, took him from us. He has gone to the Stars, and he will be missed. We love you dad, and thank you to everyone.

Love, Rhiannon, Stephanie, and Tyrone Le Parmentier."

Vila i frid, Richard.

För mer om Richard Le Parmentier, besök hans IMDB profil.

Bild ovan:
Richard Le Parmentier under Memorabilia i engelska Birmingham 2007. © Mark Honeyball. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.

Denna artikel skriven och publicerad av Anders Frejdh i april 2013



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh