Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21

Rolls-Royce avslöjar en-av-en Phantom Goldfinger inspirerad av Auric Goldfingers Phantom III

Av: Anders Frejdh
Rolls-Royce, Goldfinger, Phantom, car
Rolls-Royce have unveiled their one-of-one Phantom Goldfinger, inspired by Auric Goldfinger’s Phantom III Sedanca de Ville from the 1964 film Goldfinger directed by Guy Hamilton.

Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the third James Bond adventure, Goldfinger’s iconography and plot are explored within the motor car through a range of bespoke features.

The striking two-tone design has been colour-matched to the original Phantom used in the film, while The Spirit of Ecstasy at the prow of Phantom Goldfinger has a unique finish which is a subtle reference to the film’s gold-smuggling story.

Rolls-Royce | The Voice of the Maker: Phantom Goldfinger

Considered elements within the interior include a hidden vault containing a solid 18-carat ‘Speedform’ gold bar and a gold-plated putter encased in the boot, in homage to Bond’s first encounter with Goldfinger during a round of golf at Stoke Park. The inside of the glovebox is debossed with Goldfinger’s iconic quote: “This is Gold, Mr Bond. All my life, I have been in love with its colour, its brilliance, its divine heaviness.”

The internal centrepiece is a hand-drawn, stainless steel artwork in the Phantom’s gallery depicting an isoline map of the contours of Switzerland’s Furka Pass, the legendary road pivotal to the plot.

For the latest official news on the James Bond franchise, visit the official website.



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh