Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Ian Fleming Publications erbjuder en presentguide för fars dag

Av: Anders Frejdh
Ian Fleming Publications, agents reminder
Ian Fleming Publications i London har genom sekreteraren Miss Moneypenny presenterat de nya brittiska bokomslagen av Ian Flemings böcker inför årets 70-årsjubileum av Casino Royale, den första James Bond 007-romanen skriven av Fleming. Klassificering: Guldnivå (For Your Eyes Only)

Meddelandet lyder enligt följande...

“Till våra agenter på fältet,

It is no great secret that to many of us here in the service, M has become something of a father figure – a distant figure perhaps, but one that nevertheless we all strive to please, who we hope to make proud through our actions. Whilst he’s not in the habit of accepting gifts on the occasion of Father’s Day (as one Double O discovered to their detriment several years ago – apparently M doesn’t think much of "But Sir, it was just a joke", as an excuse), that’s no reason not to spoil the other (hopefully less prickly) fathers that we have in our lives.

Father’s Day falls on June 18th this year, not far away, and if you’re in need of some gift ideas the team at Ian Fleming Publications have put together a handy guide to the best Bond (and Bond-adjacent) books to make his day.

Read the Father's Day gift guide here.

In other news, UK-based agents can obtain eBook copies of Anthony Horowitz’s With A Mind To Kill for just 99p on Kindle this month – this offer will only last until June 30th, so get it whilst you can.

With A Mind To Kill, Anthony Horowitz, ebook, Kindle
Be assured that there’s lots happening behind the scenes here – it’s all on a strictly need to know basis for now, of course, but I think I’ll be able to share something with you soon.

Vänliga hälsningar,

Miss Moneypenny”



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Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh