Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21

Julhälsningar från Major Boothroyd på Q Branch i London

Av: Anders Frejdh
Ian Fleming Publications, Q Branch, Christmas greetings
In a PM from Major Boothroyd's desk in London, Q Branch sends Christmas Greetings for all From Sweden with Love readers. Classification: Gold level (For Your Eyes Only)

The message reads as follows...

“Dear colleagues,

‘Tis the season to be jolly. Though one might be forgiven for not quite feeling the festive spirit, given the rumours of an upcoming spending review, and news of the downsizing bloodbath over at our sister agency, MI5.

Nevertheless, here at MI6 - particularly Q Branch - we remain upbeat. Our agents in the field continue to rely on our ability to deliver technological solutions to their very unique set of needs. Christmas is the ideal time to reaffirm our commitment to keeping the world safe from warmongers, megalomaniacs, and the sort of sociopaths who dog ear the pages of books.

So raise a glass to the Double Os (yes, even to 007, whose cavalier attitude towards very expensive pieces of kit may singlehandedly have instigated the spending review). I wish them – and you – a very merry Christmas!


Major Boothroyd
Head of Q Branch

P.S. Due to new health and safety rules: no exploding socks in this year’s Secret Santa. P is still hobbling around from last year.”



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh