Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadören Sir Roger Moore (1927-2017)

Av: Anders Frejdh
Roger Moore Britt Ekland Richard Kiel Hilary Saltz
FSWL och resten av världen sörjer djupt över bortgången av 89-årige UNICEF ambassadören och skådespelaren Sir Roger Moore (1927-2017) efter en kort men modig kamp med cancer som hans barn Deborah, Geoffrey och Christian meddelade i ett officiellt tillkännagivande. Våra tankar går nu till Sir Rogers familj, vänner och kollegor.

Meddelande från Roger Moores familj

Vänner och kollegor minns den underbara människan med James Bond skådespelarna Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Pierce Brosnan och Daniel Craig i spetsen:

Sean Connery: "I was very sad to hear of Roger’s passing. We had an unusually long relationship by Hollywood standards, that was filled with jokes and laughter, I will miss him."

Roger Moore och Sean Connery
George Lazenby: "I liked Roger, he was a genuine fellow, a really good guy."

Roger Moore tillsammans med George Lazenby och Timothy Dalton
Timothy Dalton: "I knew Roger as a kind and generous man. He was a wonderfully engaging and successful actor. My thoughts are with his family."

Pierce Brosnan: "Dear Sir Roger Moore, It is indeed with a heavy heart that I hear the news of your passing this morning. You were a big part of my life, from The Saint to James Bond.. .you were a magnificent James Bond and one that lead the way for me, the world will miss you and your unique sense of humor for years to come. My sincerest condolences to your family and children. RIP"

Timothy Dalton och Pierce Brosnan med Roger Moore i London 1996
Daniel Craig: "Nobody Does It Better – love Daniel"

Roger Moore och Daniel Craig i London
James Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli: "We are heartbroken at the news of Sir Roger Moore’s passing. On the screen, he reinvented the role of James Bond with tremendous skill, charisma and humour. In real life, he was a genuine hero working as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for many years dedicating his life to alleviating the suffering of children all over the world. He was a loyal and beloved friend and his legacy shall live on through his films and the millions of lives he touched. We shall miss him enormously. Our love and thoughts are with Deborah, Geoffrey, Christian his grandchildren and his wife Kristina.”

Roger Moore tillsammans med Michael G. Wilson och Barbara Broccoli
Director John Glen: "Devastating Tuesday! Roger will be sadly missed. His humour was unique and we will miss his raised eyebrows greatly. He was the consummate professional, never considered himself a serious actor but was extremely professional and loved worldwide for his debonair charm. Filming with Roger was always a pleasure. I would allow an extra half an hour a day for his pranks on set which was money well spent as it kept the crew relaxed during the six months of filming. He was very instrumental to my career and I shall be eternally grateful. My thoughts go to his wife, Kristina, and family."

John Glen med Roger Moore under inspelningen av For Your Eyes Only i Grekland
Steven Saltzman (son till legendariske Bond-producenten Harry Saltzman): "I knew him all my life, my sister and I grew up with his children Geoffrey, Deborah, and Christian".
We knew he had been sick for a while. But he was so elegant throughout this battle. He never let his humour slip. Only up to very recently he sent me jokes via email - his sense of humour was extraordinary.
He had such a beautiful character, and was always impeccably dressed, even in Monaco!
The man had three strings to his bow: his family, charity work and his craft.
We can't believe it - We are just crest-fallen. There is a huge outpouring of grief here. We are all weeping. We just miss him.
I loved this man."

Steven Saltzman och Roger Moore i Monaco
SFX maestro John Richardson: "RIP Sir Roger Moore very sad to see him leave us. He was a lovely man and will be long remembered. God Bless you Roger!"

Martin Grace (1942–2010), Sir Roger Moores officiella stunt double från 1975 till 1985, sade i en intervju intervju med FSWL 2009: "One of the few most genuine actors I have worked with. He was always a gentleman, courteous and charming to his colleagues, humorous when situations got tense and a true professional in his work. He brought suaveness to the role of James Bond and made his mark as 007."

Stuntmannen och stunt koordinatorn Paul Weston: "We have lost a true English ambassador. Sir Roger was a warm friendly gentleman, who's humour, humility and humanity had no bounds. His lifelong work for UNICEF and other charities, have been appreciated by children all over the world. I will miss his friendship that I have enjoyed since the first day I walked onto The Saint set in 1964 and in the 57 intervening years he never changed his funny warm friendship.
He knew the first names of all the film crews and would involve them in the many gags that he would set up to make film making fun. From all of us, God bless you Roger, rest in your well deserved peace."

Stuntmannen och stunt koordinatorn Rocky Taylor: "When I received the news of Roger's passing I was numb. I've had the pleasure of working with so many stars over the years, but Roger was special. I was with him the day he got the Bond role. I was at Pinewood with his stuntman Les Crawford when around the corner we see Roger. He called us over and said 'Boys you are looking at the new James Bond'! Well we went nuts. He very quickly told us to keep the noise down and bundles us into a dressing room. There we drank champagne and toasted his future success.
On Octopussy I was his main double in India and we had great fun out there. He was always very good to the stunt boys. I'd pulled my back one day and quick as you like he said 'Right that's it you're going to relax in my trailer', I told him that I'd be fine but he insisted and sure enough I went and convalesced in style with a glass of champagne, for medicinal purposes to hand while he went off and filmed.
I also remember his kindness after I'd had my accident in 1985 on Death Wish 3. Not long after I'd been admitted to hospital a call came through from Roger wishing me all the best for a speedy recovery. He also sent me so much fruit I could have started my own market stall.
He will always hold a very special place in my heart, and as many millions of fans around the world mourn his passing, we must be thankful that we have his incredible body of work to remember him by.
Thank you for all the good times Roger - I will always miss you."

Rocky Taylor with Roger Moore on The Man with the Golden Gun
Stuntmannen Terry Cade: "RIP Sir Roger. Work on four Bonds with you it was a great pleasure to have had the privilege, you're fun and a gentleman."

Stuntmannen och stuntkoordinatorn Vic Armstrong: "Very sad. Roger was one of my heroes when I first came into the business and and he epitomised everything that I thought the business should be. When I did get to work with him on a one to one basis in Greece he confirmed what a superstar and superman he was, always so complimentary to others and self demeaning about himself, he also had the greatest sense of humour and wit which to me is what gets you through the trials and tribulations of the film business. Roger will be truly missed and as they say when he went 'they broke the mould', it is the end of a legend."

Paul McCartney (ledmotivet till Live and Let Die): "Further sad news today that Sir Roger Moore has passed away. Roger was a great man and of course a great James Bond who I was lucky to work with during the time of 'Live and Let Die'. He had a heart of gold, a great sense of humour and will be missed by the many people who loved him."

Flera av Bond-kvinnorna från har visat sin respekt för skådespelaren och framförallt människan Roger Moore:

Jane Seymour (Live and Let Die): "I am devastated to learn of Roger Moore’s passing. The first leading role I ever had as a Bond girl was such a new and frightening world and Roger held my hand and guided me through every process. He taught me about work ethic and humility. He was so funny, kind and thoughtful to everyone around him and in that Roger taught me what a movie star really was and should be. Through his lifelong work with UNICEF he showed me the true meaning of being a humanitarian and giving back. He was my Bond."

Britt Ekland (The Man with the Golden Gun): "Min Bond är borta och jag är fylld av sorg. Roger personifierade Bond. Vitsig, sofistikerad, elegant och rolig. Vila i frid"

Maud Adams (The Man with the Golden Gun och Octopussy): "Roger var älskad av alla och lämnar oss i stor sorg. Jag är evigt tacksam för ödet som förde oss samman"

Joie Vejjajiva (The Man with the Golden Gun): "Meeting Roger Moore and working with him was a memory I'll never forget. He was such a lovely person. He never behaved as if he was above any of us, he behaved like one of us. He would joke around, sing songs with all of us after filming. I took my guitar to the film set and Roger would play it."

Joie Vejjajiva med Roger Moore i The Man with the Golden Gun
Barbara Bach (The Spy Who Loved Me): “It was a pleasure working with Roger, he was a kind and good man. A true gentleman. Peace, love and condolences to his wife and family.”

Caroline Munro (The Spy Who Loved Me): "I feel devastated about the passing of Roger Moore too Sad to take it in! He was a beautiful person with amazing wit and humour I loved him dearly and will miss him so much! A true gent in every sense of the word! RIP Roger"

Valerie Leon (The Spy Who Loved Me): "Roger Moore was an exceptional human being. I had the good fortune to work with him four times: On television in The Saint and The Persuaders and then in The Wild Geese apart from the Bond film.
The Persuaders [the Long Goodbye episode made in 1971] is the most memorable. He was not only the star but also the director. He gave me a totally unscripted kiss which so took me by surprise that I ended up with a huge grin on my face. but the editors kept it in! His daughter Deborah Moore also appeared with us. She was a little girl and I can still see see her walking along hitting some railings with a stick.
TSWLM was filmed in Sardinia. A select few of us were invited one night to dinner at the Aga Khan’s. When we arrived, we were told the staff were off for the night so Cubby Broccoli and Roger took their place and served us all… It was such fun.
Roger was my favourite Bond: a real charmer and a gentleman. He was the loveliest man and I am deeply saddened that he has now left us."

Valerie Leon and Roger Moore on The Spy Who Loved Me
Corinne Clery (Moonraker): "We have lost a great actor but above all a gentleman."

Anne Lönnberg (Moonraker): "Roger Moore was a great actor with wonderful humour and he fit the role of James Bond perfectly. He was also great to work with - serious, professional and very sweet to us unknown girls. I remember the day Roger had to be submerged in water all day long fighting with that giant python. At the end of the day he was wet, exhausted and fed-up. After the last shot, he said, 'Now, at last, I can go back to my hotel and take a hot bath!' When an assistant whispered in his ear, 'You may have forgotten, Mr. Moore, you have a press conference in ten minutes'. Roger answered, dripping wet, with a polite smile, 'Give me ten minutes.' RIP"

Béatrice Libert (Moonraker): "I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Sir Roger Moore and want to offer my sincere condolences to his family. My only regret is that I have not seen him since 1979..."

Irka Bochenko (Moonraker): "Dear Roger, I am so sad. My deepest and most sincere condolences to Roger's Family. An exceptional man with a remarkable kindness and generosity. WE LOVE YOU FOR EVER AND EVER!"

Anne Lonnberg and Irka Bochenko with Roger Moore
Carole Bouquet (For Your Eyes Only): "A little bit of my life, a big piece of cinema, and someone immensely funny ... Easy, as are all the big actors."

Lynn-Holly Johnson (For Your Eyes Only): "Dear Roger... you've left us behind and deeply saddened, taking with you your ultimate charisma and serene blue eyes. My sister and I will never forget your joyful smile and zest for life . You were magnetic! Rest In Peace my dear James , my one and only James Bond. Love to you beyond."

Lynn-Holly Johnson med Roger Moore i For Your Eyes Only
Mary Stavin (Octopussy och A View to a Kill): "Jag är chockad. Han var en av de finaste människor jag lärt känna. Varm, humoristisk och en engelsk gentleman ut i fingerspetsarna.
Det finns faktiskt inga ord som kan beskriva honom. Det var en enda glädje att jobba med honom; vi älskade honom allihop. Trots att han var stjärnan kunde han fråga om han skulle hämta kaffe eller hjälpa till med något annat.
Han kunde även ringa bara för att fråga hur jag mådde, eller gratulera på födelsedagen. Sådant gör bara en varm och omtänksam människa."

Mary Stavin and Roger Moore in A View to a Kill
Kristina Wayborn (Octopussy): "Jag har gråtit mycket i dag. Min egen pappa gick bort förra året. Han blev också 89 år. När jag nu nås av Roger Moores död blir det ytterligare en påminnelse om att vi alla ska den vägen vandra.
Roger Moore var en av de vänligaste människor jag mött, och han har under alla år ständigt funnits i mitt hjärta. Jag känner att jag haft en väldig tur som fick träffa denne fine man med sin enormt roliga humor."

Carole Ashby (Octopussy och A View to a Kill): "So very sad. I will always remember Roger as a charismatic, and funny man and will always have the memories of an amazing, glamorous and exciting time. Its the end of a golden era. I was lucky to be part of it."

Safira Afzal (Octopussy): "So sorry for Roger's loss. A true gentleman and gentle soul. What a miserable day with what else has been going on in Manchester."

Tanya Roberts (A View to a Kill): "So sorry to hear about Roger passing away today. We had a lot of fun working on A View to a Kill together. He always had a joke to tell, and was a pleasure to work with. He was a terrific guy! RIP my 007"

Tanya Roberts, Roger Moore och Grace Jones vid slottet Chantilly i Paris
Grace Jones (A View to a Kill): "Roger will stay in my memory forever as a great gentleman and great father. He will be missed. And will always remain one of my best experiences in my filming career. During the shoot we were like a big family, spending all our time over a year together.
I first met him at a lunch at Pinewood Studios [in London] with his wife just before filming of the Bond film started. I was told that his wife [Luisa Mattioli] always wanted to meet the actresses that he was going to have a love scene with. Then Dolph Lundgren, my lover at the time, walked in, and Luisa said, ‘I don’t have to worry about her.’ And Roger said, ‘He is as big as Denmark.’ And we all laughed."

Svenska actionhjälten Dolph Lundgren (inbjuden på Rogers 80-årsmiddag i Hollywood): "Roger Moore var en fantastisk man. Jag träffade honom på första gången under inspelningen av A View to a Kill när jag var tillsammans med Grace Jones. Rökande en cigarr under lunchen på Pinewood Studios brukade han titta över till mitt bord och anmärka 'Dolph is larger than Denmark'.
Jag har alltid varit en beundrare av hans hårda arbete med välgörenhet, hans eleganta stil, klassiska humor och positiva attityd till livet. Han kommer att saknas av många världen över."

Andra medlemmar i Bond-familjen minns Sir Roger Moore:

Ljudläggaren Colin Miller : "So sad. Roger will be greatly missed. He bought great joy to many people, first as a man, and second as an actor."

Visual effects supervisor Alan Church: "Very saddened... Sir Roger was MY Bond. First seeing The Persuaders every Sunday afternoon on ITV then Bond at the cinema. My brother and two school-friends have been reminiscing of the days we went to nearly all the Odeons in London following around LALD, TMWTGG, TSWLM and my first premiere - Moonraker at the Odeon Leicester Square.
Sir Roger was my escape.. was my very reason I wanted to be part of Cubby's Bond family, and my dream came true in 1983.
And, as Lulu sang... 'Goodnight Goodnight sleep well my dear no need to fear JAMES BOND WAS HERE'. RIP xxx"

James Linton (stand-in för Sir Roger under hans tre sista Bond-filmer): "He will be well missed in the industry. A very caring and generous person when I worked with him, he always had time for people. With a film crew we never stopped having a good laugh as he would always tell a good joke when arriving on set."

Skådespelaren David Hedison (Live and Let Die): "Roger had this ability to lighten up any set and the actors and crews loved him. We've been friends for over 50 years now and he was still the very kind, generous man I met in 1963. Rest in Peace dear Friend."

Skådespelaren John Moreno (For Your Eyes Only): "l only knew Roger for three weeks during the filming in Cortina. It was very much a professional relationship but a true gentleman and a very generous actor to work with. No star attitude...Not at all… He made me feel we were simple fellow actors working together as equals... But between ‘takes’ we used to laugh... and how we laughed... He had a wonderful sense of humour! Amazingly he seemed to know everyone's name… the entire crew?
I fondly remember one ‘take’, which was the two of us in a two shoot… John Glen, the director, said ‘Okay, next we'll do a close-up on Roger’... And Roger turned to him and said ‘No, no, do a close up on John [meaning me] instead’ and we did. l can't think of another star that would do that, or ever think of doing it. Such a generous man who will be greatly missed."

Skådespelaren Kabir Bedi (Octopussy): "I was just 36 when I met Roger Moore on the set. He then had an Italian wife, Luisa Mattioli. I was well known in Italy as a major European star, so his wife told him how big I was. So, he knew me as a very successful actor and greeted me very warmly when we met. We had a lot of respect for each other.
He was a very reserved gentleman on one level. It took time for him to open up but he was a lovely person to be around and I admired Roger. He was a university by himself.
He brightened up the dialogue at times, he was very helpful as an actor, not like some actors who can you make you uncomfortable. He was a very warm human being, very humanitarian. I grieve for the whole family. RIP"

Kabir Bedi, Maud Adams, Cubby Broccoli, Roger Moore, Lois Maxwell and Desmond Llewelyn in India
Tennisspelaren och skådespelaren Vijay Amritraj‏ (Octopussy): "Wonderful memories of my dear friend Roger Moore. One of the nicest people I have ever met. And it was a real honor to work with him in my debut film. Amazing class, panache, humor and stature. From The Saint to Bond to UNICEF [I was UN Messenger of Peace during his time as Goodwill Ambassador].
My deepest condolences to Deborah, Geoffrey and Christian. I will miss the wonderful and charismatic Roger. RIP"

Vijay Amritraj och Roger Moore med Desmond Llewelyn i Octopussy
Skådespelaren Robert Dix (Live and Let Die): "The passing of Sir Roger came so unexpectedly it shocked the 007 World and all of us that are and always will be friends through memories and our personal friendship with Roger. The body of work he left for us as an Actor and as a humanitarian through UNICEF speaks for itself through children all over the world that benefited from Roger's love and concern. The Dix Family has prayed for the advancement and progress of his soul through all the worlds of God. He will be missed by millions."

Yaphet F. Kotto (Live and Let Die): "My head and heart was reeling from the tragic events in Manchester, England, and then I was further shocked by the passing of my friend and co-star of Live and Let Die, Sir Roger Moore. I will miss Roger for many many reasons. To me this is a great loss, may his family find peace and may God receive his soul. Good bye Roger, my prayers are with you always Buddy!"

Yaphet Kotto med Roger Moore under Live and Let Die
FSWL:s grundare och chefredaktör Anders Frejdh: "No words can describe how sad we are over the news of Sir Roger's passing. He was truly one of a kind. Having had the genuine pleasure of meeting him several times over the years in Canada, England & Sweden and seen what a lovely human being he was in real life it's difficult to accept he's no longer with us. So many fond memories of him as he was such a great story teller. And will never forget when we and 20 other lucky people were going to take a group photo with him during a UNICEF Canada dinner in Quebec 2006 for which he prepared everyone by saying "Just repeat after me... witty, titty, cheeeeesse". Our heartfelt condolences to his family. And thank you, sir. For everything."

Anders Frejdh och Roger Moore
>Anders Frejdh från Hjo minns Roger Moore (Sveriges Radio)
>Sir Roger Moore sörjs i Sverige (Radio Sweden)
>Skådespelaren Roger Moore är död (Kulturnytt i P4)
>Bondexperten: Moore var en gentleman (Metro)
>Bondexperten: Moore var en gentleman (SvD)

Copyright © 2017 From Sweden with Love. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.



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Bond 25 Bondbrudar Bondskurkar Britt Ekland Daniel Craig Dolph Lundgren George Lazenby Izabella Scorupco James Bond museum Kristina Wayborn Mary Stavin Maud Adams No Time To Die Ola Rapace Pierce Brosnan Roger Moore Sean Connery Spectre Timothy Dalton

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Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh