Till minne av Eons Financial Controller Douglas Noakes
Av: Anders Frejdh
FSWL är mycket ledsna att rapportera att Douglas Noakes (född i London 1935) avled den 6 september 2015 vid en ålder av 79 år. Våra tankar och böner går till Douglas familj och vänner.
"Som både Bond-fantast och financial controller var jag väldigt glad över att få träffa Doglas några gånger under årens lopp. Alltid vänlig och en riktig gentleman. Mycket ledsen att höra om hans bortgång och mina tankar går till hans charmiga fru Nina och trevliga son Andrew." –
Anders Frejdh, grundare och chefredaktör, FSWL
Dödsruna av Douglas Noakes
Douglas Noakes började arbeta i filmbranschen på 1960-talet. Hans första filmkrediter var som produktionsekonom för 1971 års film
Vänner, regisserad av trefaldiga James Bond-regissören
Lewis Gilbert. Efter den var Douglas produktionsekonom för 1974 års film
Skottpengar (med Michel Caine i huvudrollen), en uppgift han även hade för
Tom Jones erotiska äventyr (1976) med Joan Collins i huvudrollen. Han arbetade sedan med
Superman (1978) och
Superman II (1980), varefter han rekryterades av
Albert R. Broccoli för att arbeta med James Bond-filmerna.
Licence to Kill (1989) reste Doglas till Kina för att göra en omfattande ekonomisk undersökning av möjligheterna där. I slutändan var det kostnadsfaktorn som blev avgörande och produktionen hamnade i Mexiko där Douglas hittade en hel del inspelningsplatser, en väl fungerande studio och billigare arbetskraft än någon annanstans.
GoldenEye promoverades Noakes till financial controller och efterföljdes senare av sonen
Andrew efter att de arbetat tillsammans sedan 1983 års James Bond-film,
Octopussy. (Andrews första erfarenheter av filmindustrin var under sommarlov då han arbetade åt pappa Douglas. Från en ödmjuk början som tepojke och arkivarie under inspelningen av
Octopussy har Andrew nu 28 filmer på meritlistan.)
Douglas gick i pension från filmindustrin vid 70 års ålder och efterlämnar frugan Nina och sonen Andrew.
Douglas Noakes James Bond filmer:
Ur dödlig synvinkel (produktionsekonom)
Octopussy (1983) (produktionsekonom)
Levande måltavla (produktionsekonom)
Iskallt uppdrag (produktionsekonom)
Tid för hämnd (produktionsekonom)
GoldenEye (1995) (financial controller)
Tomorrow Never Dies (produktionsekonom)
Världen räcker inte till (produktionsekonom)
Kollegor och vänner har vänligt delat sina tankar med FSWL om Douglas:
"I first met Dougie in 1987 at the premiere of
The Living Daylights. We hit if off from the start and were great friends for years to come. Our paths reconnected with
License To Kill. I was quite fortunate to be asked to come to Key West for a week and participate as a background player. I last saw Dougie in 2009. He was wonderfully outgoing and always asked about my family. He was a dedicated member of the Bond family and will be missed not only by me, but many, many others whose lives he touched. God speed, Dougie!" –
Doug Redenius, Co-founder,
The Ian Fleming Foundation
“Douglas was very good at what he did and was a valued part of the team. I was glad that his son came in (to Eon) and he’s done quite well.” –
Jerry Juroe, former SVP Publicity for Eon Productions
"Doug joined the Bond team at about the same time that I re-joined it on
The Spy Who Loved Me. He went on to control the finances on many other Bonds long after I had left. He was always highly professional and supportive. Of course, his family travelled the world with Doug and eventually Andrew joined him in the accounts department and has now taken over the reins from his father. I have fond memories of working with Doug, Nina and Andrew in Mexico during the making of
Licence to Kill" my last Bond. He will be sadly missed." –
John Glen, regissör (åtta James Bond filmer)
"I first worked with Dougie back in the late 1960’s on a film called
The Adventurers filmed in Italy and Colombia. Over the years I was fortunate enough to cross paths with him again on many films including,
Hennessy (1975),
Superman I & II and many of the James Bond films. I knew him and his family very well and I have many fond memories of him over those 40 years or more.
To me he was always very helpful, very understanding and always a complete gentleman. The industry will be sad for his loss and I will always miss that cheerful disposition. Sadly there are few people of Dougie’s character and ability to fill the void but fortunately his son Andrew is one who will. I know that Dougie was always very proud of Andrew and the name Noakes will live on!
God bless you old friend." –
John Richardson, Special effects supervisor (nio James Bond filmer)
"I first worked with Douglas on
Superman I, II, and III in 1978 and on all the Bond films I have worked on. He was excellent at his job, always calm and efficient whatever the pressure or whatever the location. He held a position of great responsibility and helped producers stay within budget and was a mentor a new generation of outstanding accountants. He was a legend behind the scene." –
Paul Weston, stuntman och Stuntkoordinator (10 James Bond filmer)
"Dougie and Nina were always so kind and supportive. Dougie was always ready to pass on tips about the office and accounts paperwork. When my wife was ill Dougie and Nina's kindness will stay with me forever. It was a horrible shock when Susie and I heard he had passed away. If Bond is 007 then Dougie was the man to make sure the figures always added up. " –
Terry Bamber, Production manager (sex James Bond filmer)
"I have known Dougie most of my Bond life and most vividly remember Dougie and Nina in Thailand on
Tomorrow Never Dies handing out our per diems in scorchingly hot and humid weather both immaculately dressed and looking as cool as cucumbers as true British people should, it was quite a comparison to the motley sweaty crew. Dougie always had great style." –
Vic Armstrong, regissör, stuntkoordinator, stuntman (sju James Bond filmer)
Bild ovan:
Douglas Noakes (mitten) vid den kungliga världspremiären av
Octopussy i London 1983. På bilden med (från vänster till höger) Albert R. Broccoli, prins Charles, Lady Diana och John Richardson.
För mer information om Douglas Noakes karriär i filmbranschen, kolla in hans IMDB profile.