Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21

Filmfotografen Douglas Slocombe (1913-2016)

Av: Anders Frejdh
Douglas Slocombe Never Say Never Again
FSWL är ledsna att rapportera bortgången av legendariska brittiska fotografen Douglas Slocombe (född i London den 10 februari 1913) den 22 februari 2016 i en ålder av 103 år. Douglas filmade Sean Connerys comeback som James Bond i 1983 års film Never Say Never Again. Vi sänder våra tankar till hans familj och tackar honom för flera decennier av lysande filmfoto.

Dödsruna av Douglas Slocombe:
Douglas Slocombe har mer än 80 filmer på sin meritlista. Hans karriär var på toppen under 1970 och 1980-talen.

Slocombe blev världsberömd efter att ha filmat tre av Indiana Jones-filmerna inklusive den första filmen från 1981, Jakten på den försvunna skatten, Indiana Jones och de fördömdas tempel (1984) och Indiana Jones och det sista korståget (1989). Den sista med Sean Connery som Indys far.

James Bond fantaster känner honom som chefsfotograf för 1983 års Never Say Never Again. Filmens stuntkoordinator, Vic Armstrong, minns Douglas:

"Dougie Slocombe was a legend, I know this phrase is used a lot but it has never been more meaningful than when it refers to Douglas “Dougie” Slocombe.

I went to a special screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Glasgow Film Festival this last weekend and was so impressed again at the beauty and dramatic quality of the photography of this film. Dougie captured the rich colours and the mysterious shadows of the period exactly right.

I was always amazed watching Dougie work, to look at he was like a college professor, but his energy was that of a 20 year old, and the thing that fascinated me most was that he never used a light meter he just measured the shadows on his hand with his naked eye and called out the stop to his camera crew, and he did it with total confidence and the results are stunningly good.

Not only was he a master at photographing action he was a master at photographing drama and emotion, and he did it all so effortlessly and with such good humour. His talent must have been something that he naturally inherited because I truly believe that sort of instinct cannot be taught. Together with Steven Spielberg they were a masterful duo and made three of the greatest adventure movies of all time, which is a wonderful legacy to leave behind for not only all the generations of filmgoers but for his beautiful and lovingly supportive family.

Dougie Slocombe will be sorely missed, as we say after they made him they broke the mould."

Skådespelerskan Barbara Carrera (Fatima Blush i NSNA) delade också sina tankar om Douglas med oss:

"Douglas Slocombe was, undoubtedly, one of the greatest cinematographer in our film industry! Certainly, the greatest that I ever had the good fortune of working with!

He was a true artist. He once told me that he could spend an entire day just shooting a 'dew drop' because of the beautiful changes that occurred with the reflection of light. His lighting was reminiscent of the old master's paintings. Each scene, or frame, was lit like a Rembrandt masterpiece. His lights & shadows were reflected in three dimensions, the foreground, as well as the far background, was always lit beautifully.

We have lost A GREAT MASTER! But, his work will live on as a testament of outstanding achievement and excellence.

We will miss you Dougie! RIP"

Förutom inspelningen av Connerys triumferande comeback som 007 tjänade Slocombe även som chefsfotograf för The Lady Vanishes (1979), Julia (1977), Rollerball (1975, co-starring Octopussy's Maud Adams), The Great Gatsby (1974), The Italian Job (1969), Blue Max (1966, co-starring Dr. No’s Ursula Andress) och många andra titlar.

En dam försvinner (1979), Julia (1977), Roller (1975, co-starring Octopussy s Maud Adams), The Great Gatsby (1974), The Italian Job (1969), Blue Max (1966, co-starring Dr No s Ursula Andress)

Han vann tre BAFTA utmärkelser för Bästa filmfoto och en Lifetime Achievement Award från British Society of Cinematrographers. Hans arbete har också gett tre Oscar nomineringar.

Även om han plågades av synproblem mot slutet av sitt liv hedrades Slocombe också med en Order of the British Empire 2008.

Douglas efterlämnar en dotter, Georgina Slocombe, som sade att det var en sorglig dag: "Jag var hans enda barn. Min mamma dog för flera år sedan. Vi var mycket nära som en familj."

Bild ovan:
Douglas Slocombe in action. Foto av Richard Blanshard. © 1990 Moviepix/Gettyimages. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.

För mer information om Douglas Slocombes karriär, kolla in hans profil på IMDB:




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Denna webbplats stöds inte på något sätt av Eon Productions Ltd, Danjaq, LLC, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony Pictures, United Artists, Ian Fleming Publications Ltd eller någon annan av de som innehar rättigheter för James Bond. Den drivs helt oberoende av dem på fritidsbasis och utan vinstintresse.

Bilder från James Bond filmerna © 1962 - 2025 EON Productions Ltd, Danjaq LLC, MGM Inc. och United Artists Cooperation.

Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh