Stuntmannen Doug Robinson pratar Bond
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Stuntmannen Doug Robinson pratar Bond

Av: Jon Auty
Doug Robinson interview
Denna intervju med Doug Robinson är gjord av vår vän Jon Auty (besök hans hemsidor: Twitter och Issuu) Fotot är taget av vår vän David Williams (hemsidor: Bondpix och David Williams Photography)

[John Auty (JA):] Your involvement with Bond started in 1966 at Pinewood Studios during You Only Live Twice. What do you remember about your time on the picture?
[Doug Robinson (DR):] The one thing I remember clearly is being shot in the arse by Vic Armstrong. We were hanging from ropes, that were dangling from the ceiling and the assistant director had come across a problem so we were waiting around for quite some time.

Anyway, Vic was behind me and his finger must have slipped onto the trigger. Sure enough his gun went off. Bloody good job we were using blanks! Mind you I think Vic was more scared than I was, needless to say it didn’t happen again.

[JA:] You also worked on A View to a Kill (1985), didn’t you?
[DR:] Yes, I had a few jobs on that picture. I had a fight with Roger Moore and Tanya Roberts and Roger shoots at me with ‘Rock Salt’ and I fall down the stairs.

On the first take my feet went from under me and I hit the first step with my head!

Only on the second take did I manage to take out the banister, which was my intention. The floor was really slippery and we spent most of our time falling over.

Then during the fight Tim Condren and myself exchange blows with Roger and Tanya. I had to throw her to the floor, but I didn’t want to hurt her so I kept placing her on the floor.

Anyway, it wasn’t working so I said "Look I’m going to have to really throw you down", and she agreed! So I did and I tell you something she’s made of strong stuff. Other actors would have had a double for that, but not her.

[JA:] What about the action inside the mine?
[DR:] Yes, I was involved in that. Martin Grace (Roger's stunt double) had asked me to do a fall through water into a box rig. Water was pouring over the edge of this crater and I had to go with it and drop out of camera shot. Part of the rig was wet, but the hydraulic action of this ‘waterfall’ meant that the camera crew who were standing 75ft away were getting wet too!

Anyway, I did the fall and it turned out to be a very nice job to do. Difficult but rewarding when you see it on screen.

Ovanstående är en del av en längre intervju från andra numret av STUNTS magazine.

Tack till Jon Auty som gett okej att publicera del av denna intervju på From Sweden With Love.

För mer information om Doug Robinson, kolla in hans profil på IMDB:



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh