Intervju med Sir Roger Moore om Vue Sur Bond i Quebec
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Intervju med Sir Roger Moore om Vue Sur Bond i Quebec

Av: Anders Frejdh
Roger Moore interview
From Sweden With Love (Anders Frejdh) mötte upp med Sir Roger Moore för att höra hans tankar om Vue sur Bond i Quebec, Kanada.
(Vue sur Bond är utan tvekan det bästa Bondevenemanget som FSWL närvarat på, bara goda minnen!)

[FSWL:] Sir, what is your general opinion about the arrangements of the Vue Sur Bond event?
[Sir Roger Moore:] It was a terrifically organised event, with great attention to detail.

Sir, what is your best personal memory from the event?
[RM:] Seeing the theatre absolutely full, with hundreds of people outside hoping they might get in too!

Sir, how did you experience the weekend and what did you think about the public attending all the events?
[RM:] Kristina and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend - from the film Q&A to the concert, dinner and ski competition. It was very gratifying to see people from all around the world attend, and so much money raised for UNICEF.

Sir, what do you think Harry Saltzman would have thought about the event and its purpose?
[RM:] I think he'd have felt extremely proud of his daughter Hilary for one thing. She did an amazing job. He'd have been touched that it was all for him and the people there were paying tribute to him. I think he would have also been very proud of it raising money for UNICEF.

Sir, was it your first time in Quebec? What did you think of the city and its people?
[RM:] It is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I had no idea just how beautiful. It is Canada's biggest secret.

Sir, was there anything you wanted to be included in the weekend program that wasn't possible for some reason?
[RM:] No, I think everything was included.

Sir, how well did you know the other Bond guests before meeting them in Quebec?
[RM:] I knew them all, as I'd worked with them all before.

Sir, do you think there will be any similar Bond event like this one ever again?
[RM:] I doubt there'll ever be anything quite like this again. It was very much a one-off.

Sir, will there be another opportunity to meet you again at any event in a near future?
[RM:] Who knows! Never say never.

When will you come to Sweden again and will it be for any specific event?
[RM:] We have family in Sweden so often visit.

Our sincere thanks to Sir Roger for sharing his thoughts on Vue sur Bond with us.

Bild ovan:
Sir Roger Moore skämtar med konstnären Michel Bell innan lördagens välgörenhetskonsert. © 2006 Bud Sonoda. Alla rättigheter reserverade.

Läs mer om Roger Moore och hans filmkarriär på hans officiella sajt:



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh