The Angels Film Costume Auktion
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

The Angels Film Costume Auktion

Av: FSWL team
Angels film costume auction may 2010
Cameo Fine Art Auctioneers auktionerar ut flera partier av sällsynta produktion objekt från Casino Royale (1967), I Hennes Majestäts hemliga tjänst (1969), GoldenEye (1995), Världen räcker inte till (1999) och Die Another Day (2002).

The Angels Film Costumes auktion kommer att äga rum i deras lokaler i Midgham, Berkshire. James Bond relaterade föremål i försäljningen är::
Lot 200 - CASINO ROYALE (1967)
A pair of tan trousers used by Woddy Allen as Jimmy Bond.

Estimate: £200-300
Labelled Woody Allen
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
A Tweed Sports Jacket tailored for George Lazenby as James Bond in the Bull Ring sequence and the beginning of We Have All the Time in the World love scene.

Estimate: £800-1200
This is a very distinctive jacket for a short sequence only one was made.
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 208 - GOLDENEYE (1995)
A Pair of black paramilitary trousers used by Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Used in the pre title sequence.

Estimate: £400-600
Labelled 1995, Goldeneye Pierce Brosnan.
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 209 - GOLDENEYE (1995)
A Pair of khaki trousers used by Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Used in the finale fight sequence in Cuba.

Estimate: £400-500
Labelled 1995, Goldeneye Pierce Brosnan.
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 214 - THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH (1999)
A khaki ski suit used by Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in the ski sequence.

Estimate: £1000-1500
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 218 - DIE ANOTHER DAY (2002)
A Field grey greatcoat used by Kenneth Tsang as General Moon,seen when Bond is traded for Zao.

Estimate: £300-400
Labelled Kenneth Tsang Jan 02
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 222 - DIE ANOTHER DAY (2002)
A full fencing set used in the background of the first sequence when Bond and Graves start fencing.

Estimate: £200-300
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 223 - DIE ANOTHER DAY (2002)
A pair of fencing trousers used in the background of the first sequence when Bond and Graves start fencing.

Estimate: £100-150
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
Lot 224 - DIE ANOTHER DAY (2002)
A polo style shirt used in the broadsword sequence of the fencing scene in the film trousers used in the background of the first sequence when Bond and Graves start fencing.

Estimate: £100-150
Provenance: Angels the Costumiers
For more information about this auction, visit the official auction page and search for Bond:



Tag Cloud

Bond 25 Bondbrudar Bondskurkar Britt Ekland Daniel Craig Dolph Lundgren George Lazenby Izabella Scorupco James Bond museum Kristina Wayborn Mary Stavin Maud Adams No Time To Die Ola Rapace Pierce Brosnan Roger Moore Sean Connery Spectre Timothy Dalton

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Denna webbplats stöds inte på något sätt av Eon Productions Ltd, Danjaq, LLC, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony Pictures, United Artists, Ian Fleming Publications Ltd eller någon annan av de som innehar rättigheter för James Bond. Den drivs helt oberoende av dem på fritidsbasis och utan vinstintresse.

Bilder från James Bond filmerna © 1962 - 2025 EON Productions Ltd, Danjaq LLC, MGM Inc. och United Artists Cooperation.

Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh