Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

James Bond-ikonen Sir Sean Connery fyller 90 år

Av: Mark Cerulli
Sean Connery turns 90
FSWL följer Bond-fans runt om i världen för att önska Sir Sean Connery en lycklig och hälsosam 90-årsdag. Den legendariska stjärnan var bara 31 år när han började spela in actionfilmen Dr. No (1962) med en budget på 1 miljon dollar och baserad på Ian Flemings sjätte James Bond-roman från 1958 med samma titel - som startade en av de mest ikoniska serierna i filmhistorien som dragit in över 7 miljarder dollar på biografer världen över och gjorde Sean till en internationell superstjärna.

Prior to Bond, Sean Connery had been making a name for himself as a young actor, landing his first film role in 1957’s No Road Back, playing a washed-up boxer in the BBC production of Rod Serling’s Requiem for a Heavyweight and Lana Turner’s love interest in Another Time, Another Place. Hollywood soon came calling with roles in Disney’s Darby O’Gill and the Little People and Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure in 1959. Although a number of actors including, David Niven (who would take on the role in the 1967 spy spoof Casino Royale), Trevor Howard and reportedly even Cary Grant were considered for the role of agent 007, Connery won it after impressing the producers with his confidence and swagger. (It didn’t hurt that producer Albert R. Broccoli’s wife Dana Broccoli said he was “gorgeous”!)

Although author Ian Fleming had preferred someone more refined than “an overgrown stuntman”, he quickly warmed up to the Scottish actor after the success of Dr. No. Connery would make four more Bonds throughout the 1960s, cementing his identification with the role but he tired of the long shooting schedules which prevented him from taking on other work. An intensely private man, he also resented the intrusive Bond frenzy, especially when he went on location to Japan in 1966 to shoot You Only Live Twice. Crowds of Bond fans and press shadowed him everywhere – including into a restaurant bathroom! By the end of filmig, he had had enough and declared he was done. Although he owed the producers one more film, they released him from his contract. (Officially, he would return as Bond in 1971’s Diamonds Are Forever, and unofficially in 1983’s Thunderball remake, Never Say Never Again.)

For many actors, walking away from such a plum role at the height of their career would have meant disaster but Connery remained one of the most in-demand stars of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. He made a wide variety of films including Robin & Marian (with Audrey Hepburn), The Man Who Would Be King – which teamed him with his longtime mate, Michael Caine, several science fiction epics – 1974’s Zardoz and 1981’s Outland. The roles just kept on coming! In 1995 at a press conference for The Rock, Connery joked about the number of “sixty five year-olds” making action movies! He was rewarded with numerous awards including an AFI Lifetime Achievement Award, a BAFTA (for The Name of the Rose) a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for The Untouchables in 1988, a Golden Globe DeMille Award in 1996 and a Kennedy Center Honor in 1999. Perhaps most importantly, in 2000 his incredible achievements were recognized by Queen Elizabeth II when he was Knighted at a ceremony in his native Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sir Sean retired from the screen after 2003’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, declining numerous offers – including one by Steven Spielberg to reprise his role as Indiana Jones’ father. He spends much of his time in the Bahamas with his loving family.

Att fylla 90 är en riktig milstolpe för vem som helst, men för en skådespelare som är så älskad som Sean Connery är det ett tillfälle för varje Bond-fan att lyfta en Martini ("skakad inte rörd") och tacka honom för hans ikoniska arbete.

Skål, Sir Sean!

Kolla in ett klipp från BAFTA-intervjun med Sean Connery i Edinburgh 2006:

Redaktörens anmärkning:
I augusti 2008 gav Sean Connery ut en bok, Being A Scot. (I juli 2009 gavs en häftad version ut av boken.)

I april 2012 hade Sir Billi (med Sean Connerys röst) premiär i USA vid Sonoma International Film Festival. Och i september 2013 hade Sir Billi premiär på bio i Storbritannien och gavs ut på DVD av Kaleidoscope Entertainment.

Sean Connery voice over som Sir Billi i Skottland
Sean Connery spelar in rösten som Sir Billi i Bahamas. Copyright © 2014 Billi Productions Ltd. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.

Besök Sean Connerys officiella sajt för mer om honom och hans filmkarriär:



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Denna webbplats stöds inte på något sätt av Eon Productions Ltd, Danjaq, LLC, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony Pictures, United Artists, Ian Fleming Publications Ltd eller någon annan av de som innehar rättigheter för James Bond. Den drivs helt oberoende av dem på fritidsbasis och utan vinstintresse.

Bilder från James Bond filmerna © 1962 - 2025 EON Productions Ltd, Danjaq LLC, MGM Inc. och United Artists Cooperation.

Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh