Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

James Bond-affischer auktioneras ut av Prop Store i England

Av: Anders Frejdh
Propstore Cinema Poster Live Auction 2020
Den 5 november 2020 kl 12:00 (engelsk tid) kommer Prop Store att sälja en unik samling James Bond-affischer i en fristående försäljning. Det är en aldrig tidigare skådad händelse för samlare av James Bond-affischer eftersom det aldrig tidigare erbjudits en större, eller i bättre kvalitet, samling på marknaden genom ett enda erbjudande.

Prop Store – ett av världens ledande film- och TV-bolag för samlare av filmföremål - har meddelat att de kommer att anordna deras femte live-auktion av filmaffischer i november från deras engelska huvudkontor i Rickmansworth.

Över 110 sällsynta och eftertraktade James Bond-affischer och föremål kommer att säljas under Prop Store's Cinema Poster Live Auction tisdagen den 5 november 2020

Auktionsföremålen kan beskådas genom privat överenskommelse med Prop Store från och med måndagen den 7 oktober. Auktionen kommer att direktsändas online för fans ska kunna följa budgivningen på auktionsdagen.

Trailer för Prop Stores Cinema Poster Live Auction den 5 november 2020

Stephen Lane, VD för Prop Store CEO, kommenterar:

“Efter framgången med vår auktion av bioaffischer i april är vi stolta över att få erbjuda ytterligare en otrolig samling affischer till marknaden. Filmfantaster kommer att vara glada att se över 440 partier gå under hammaren, inklusive över 110 James Bond-partier, allt från Casino Royale (1967) till Spectre (2015) och mycket mycket mer!”

Alla James Bond-affischer i denna auktion

• Lot: 332 JAMES BOND - Original Artwork, 1980's: Estimat £400 - £600
• Lot: 333 JAMES BOND: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS (1980's) - BBFC Certificate James Bond (Timothy Dalton), 1980's £100 - £200
• Lot: 334 JAMES BOND: VARIOUS PRODUCTIONS (1990's) - BBFC Certificate James Bond (Pierce Brosnan), 1990's £300 - £500
• Lot: 335 JAMES BOND BOOK LOT - Carter-Jones Collection: Autobiographies for Sean Connery and Roger Moore, 1999, 2008 and 2012 £200 - £300
• Lot: 336 JAMES BOND BOOKS - Carter-Jones Collection: Autographed James Bond Related Books, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2015, £100 - £200
• Lot: 337 CHRISTIE'S JAMES BOND AUCTION POSTER (2001) - Auction Catalogue Poster, 2001 £50 - £100
• Lot: 338 JAMES BOND MEMORABILIA (1978) - German Special Poster, 1978 £100 - £200
• Lot: 339 JAMES BOND MEMORABILIA (1978) - German Special Poster, 1978 £100 - £200
• Lot: 340 CASINO ROYALE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Panel (2-Fogli), 1970's, £100 - £200
• Lot: 341 CASINO ROYALE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Two-Panel (4-Fogli), 1967 £200 - £300
• Lot: 342 CASINO ROYALE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Two-Panel (4-Fogli) - Set of Three, 1967 £2 000 - £4 000
• Lot: 343 CASINO ROYALE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight US Lobby Cards, 1967 £100 - £200
• Lot: 344 CASINO ROYALE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: US One-Sheet (Spanish Language Variant), 1967 £200 - £300
• Lot: 345 TUTTI CONTRO JAMES BOND - EVERYBODY AGAINST JAMES BOND (1972) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian 4-Fogli, 1972 £200 - £300
• Lot: 346 VIVA JAMES BOND FESTIVAL (1970's) - Carter-Jones Collection: 32 Lobby Cards, 1970's £200 - £300
• Lot: 347 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Argentinian One-Sheet, 1962 £200 - £300
• Lot: 348 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian One-Sheet, 1960's £100 - £200
• Lot: 349 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian One-Sheet, 1962 £300 - £500
• Lot: 350 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Two Australian Daybills, 1970's and 1980's £100 - £200
• Lot: 351 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Belgian Affiche, 1970's £100 - £200
• Lot: 352 DR. NO (1962) - German A1, 1962 £600 - £800
• Lot: 353 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Panel (2-Fogli), 1971 £100 - £200
• Lot: 354 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight Mexican Lobby Cards, 1963 £200 - £300
• Lot: 355 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Two-Panel (4 Fogli), 1963 £1 000 - £2 000
• Lot: 356 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Spanish One-Sheet, 1963 £400 - £600
• Lot: 357 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Spanish One-Sheet, 1974 £200 - £300
• Lot: 358 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: Swedish One-Sheet, 1963 £200 - £300

• Lot: 359 DR. NO (1962) - UK Quad, 1962 £8 000 - £10 000

• Lot: 360 DR. NO (1962) - Carter-Jones Collection: US One-Sheet, 1960's £100 - £200
• Lot: 361 DR. NO (1962) / FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: US Three-Sheet, 1965 £100 - £200
• Lot: 362 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: rench 'Grande' Affiche, 1970's £200 - £300
• Lot: 363 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: French Four-Panel Poster, 1963 £2 000 - £3 000
• Lot: 364 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: German Two-Panel, 1963 £1 000 - £2 000
• Lot: 365 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: German A1 with Lobby Card Sheet, 1970's £50 - £100
• Lot: 366 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Panel (2-Fogli), 1970's £200 - £300
• Lot: 367 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Six Italian Photobustas, 1964 £200 - £300
• Lot: 368 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Panel (2-Fogli), 1964 £1 500 - £2 500
• Lot: 369 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Six Italian Photobustas, 1970's £100 - £200
• Lot: 370 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963), THUNDERBALL (1965), YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Three Japanese B2, 1972, 1974, 1976 £200 - £300
• Lot: 371 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Spanish One-Sheet, 1964 £300 - £500
• Lot: 372 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: Swedish One-Sheet, 1964 £200 - £300
• Lot: 373 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: US One-Sheets (Styles A and B), 1963 £300 - £500
• Lot: 374 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: US Six-Sheet, 1963 £400 - £600
• Lot: 375 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - Carter-Jones Collection: US Window Card, 1964 £100 - £200
• Lot: 376 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Argentinian One-Sheet, 1964 £200 - £300
• Lot: 377 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian Daybill, 1970's £100 - £200
• Lot: 378 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: 24 French Lobby Cards, 1964 £300 - £500
• Lot: 379 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: French 'Grande' Affiche, 1964 £400 - £600
• Lot: 380 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: German A1, 1965 £100 - £200
• Lot: 381 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight Mexican Lobby Cards, 1966 £200 - £300
• Lot: 382 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Spanish One-Sheet, 1965 £100 - £200
• Lot: 383 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Swedish One-Sheet, 1967 £100 - £200
• Lot: 384 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight US Lobby Cards, 1964 £300 - £500
• Lot: 385 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: UK Double Crown, 1960's £100 - £200
• Lot: 386 THUNDERBALL (1965) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian Daybill, 1965 £300 - £500
• Lot: 387 THUNDERBALL (1965) - Carter-Jones Collection: 24 French Lobby Cards, 1965 £200 - £300
• Lot: 388 THUNDERBALL (1965) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Sheet, 1965 £300 - £500
• Lot: 389 THUNDERBALL (1965) - UK Double-Crown "Aston Martin" Poster, 1999 £150 - £250
• Lot: 390 THUNDERBALL (1965) - UK Quad, 1965 £1 000 - £2 000
• Lot: 391 THUNDERBALL (1965) / YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - US One-Sheet, 1967 £50 - £100
• Lot: 392 THUNDERBALL (1965) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight US Lobby Cards, 1965 £500 - £700
• Lot: 393 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Australian Daybill, 1967 £200 - £300
• Lot: 394 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian Three-Sheet, 1967 £300 - £500
• Lot: 395 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: French 2-Panel, 1967 £500 - £700
• Lot: 396 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian 4-Fogli, 1967 £200 - £300
• Lot: 397 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - UK Quad - Style C, 1967 £1 500 - £2 500
• Lot: 398 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian One-Sheet, 1967 £200 - £300
• Lot: 399 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - US One-Sheet (Advance, Style A), 1967 £300 - £500
• Lot: 400 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - US Subway (Style A), 1967 £400 - £600
• Lot: 401 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: Australian One-Sheet and Daybill, 1969 £100 - £200
• Lot: 402 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: French Double Grande Affiche, 1969 £200 - £300
• Lot: 403 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Two-Panel (4-Fogli), 1969 £200 - £300
• Lot: 404 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Two-Panel (4-Fogli) - Advance, 1969 £800 - £1 200
• Lot: 405 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: Eight Mexican Lobby Cards, 1969 £100 - £200
• Lot: 406 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - Carter-Jones Collection: Two US One-Sheets (Style A and B), 1969 £100 - £200
• Lot: 407 ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - BBFC Certificate James Bond, 1969 £200 - £300
• Lot: 408 DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971), FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - BBFC Certificate, 1970's £300 - £500
• Lot: 409 DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971), NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN (1983) - Two Japanese B2, 1971, 1983 £50 - £100
• Lot: 410 DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971) / FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963) - UK Quad, 1973 £200 - £300
• Lot: 411 DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971) - US One-Sheet (Domestic), 1971 £100 - £200
• Lot: 412 LIVE AND LET DIE (1973) - Carter-Jones Collection: Western Hemi Six-Sheet, 1973 £200 - £300
• Lot: 413 LIVE AND LET DIE (1973) and THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) - Two US One-Sheets, 1973, 1974 £100 - £200
• Lot: 414 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) - Carter-Jones Collection: Black-and-white Stills with Synopsis, 1974 £100 - £200
• Lot: 415 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) - US One-Sheet (Advance), 1974 £100 - £200
• Lot: 416 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) - US One-Sheet (Advance), 1974 £200 - £300
• Lot: 417 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977), LIVE AND LET DIE (1973) - Carter-Jones Collection: Two Australian Three-Sheets, 1973, 1977 £100 - £200
• Lot: 418 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) - Carter-Jones Collection: Six-Sheet (Foreign), 1977 £200 - £300
• Lot: 419 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) - German Special Poster, 2020 (Artist Proof) £200 - £300
• Lot: 420 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) - Five German A1 Posters, 1977 £500 - £700
• Lot: 421 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977), FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) - Two Japanese B2, 1977, 1981 £50 - £100
• Lot: 422 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) - UK Quad, 1977 £100 - £200
• Lot: 423 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) and A VIEW TO A KILL (1985) - Two US One-Sheets, 1977, 1985 £100 - £200
• Lot: 424 MOONRAKER (1979) - Carter-Jones Collection: Spanish 'Special' Poster, 1979 £100 - £200
• Lot: 425 MOONRAKER (1979) - UK Quad, 1979 £100 - £200
• Lot: 426 MOONRAKER (1979) - Two US One-Sheets, 1979 £100 - £200
• Lot: 427 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) - Carter-Jones Collection: Japanese B0, 1981 £300 - £500
• Lot: 428 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) - UK Quad, 1981 £100 - £200
• Lot: 429 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) - Carter-Jones Collection: UK Three-Sheet, 1981 £100 - £200
• Lot: 430 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) - Two US One-Sheets and Lebanese One-Sheet, 1981 £100 - £200
• Lot: 431 OCTOPUSSY (1983) - Three US One-Sheets, 1983 £100 - £200
• Lot: 432 THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS (1987) - Promotional Brochure, Related Paperwork and Negatives, 1987 £50 - £100
• Lot: 433 THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS (1987) - Carter-Jones Collection: Various Posters and Lobby Cards, 1987 £100 - £200
• Lot: 434 GOLDENEYE (1995) - US One-Sheet, 1995 £50 - £100
• Lot: 435 GOLDENEYE (1995) - Carter-Jones Collection: US Subway, Italian 2-Fogli and Eight Photobustas, 1995 £100 - £200
• Lot: 436 CASINO ROYALE (2006) - UK Quad, 2006 £100 - £200
• Lot: 437 CASINO ROYALE (2006) - Two US/International One-Sheets, 2006 £100 - £200
• Lot: 438 SKYFALL (2012) - Printers Proof Premiere Brochure and Extras, 2012 £300 - £500
• Lot: 439 SPECTRE (2015) - Printers Proof Premiere Brochure, Extras and UK Quad, 2015 £500 - £700
• Lot: 440 GOLDFINGER (1964) - Carter-Jones Collection: Mondo Poster, 2007 £500 - £700
• Lot: 441 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) - Carter-Jones Collection: Japanese Tatekan (STB), 1967 £300 - £500
• Lot: 442 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN (1974) - Carter-Jones Collection: Italian Advance 1-Panel (2-Fogli) Group of Two, 1974 £500 - £700

Registreringen är nu öppen på www.propstore.com/liveauction. Online bud kan lämnas från fredagen den ​​1 september.



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Bond 25 Bondbrudar Bondskurkar Britt Ekland Daniel Craig Dolph Lundgren George Lazenby Izabella Scorupco James Bond museum Kristina Wayborn Mary Stavin Maud Adams No Time To Die Ola Rapace Pierce Brosnan Roger Moore Sean Connery Spectre Timothy Dalton

All information, text och grafik (om inte annat anges) på denna webbplats är skyddad enligt lagen om upphovsrätt. Kontakta oss för att använda någonting.

Denna webbplats stöds inte på något sätt av Eon Productions Ltd, Danjaq, LLC, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony Pictures, United Artists, Ian Fleming Publications Ltd eller någon annan av de som innehar rättigheter för James Bond. Den drivs helt oberoende av dem på fritidsbasis och utan vinstintresse.

Bilder från James Bond filmerna © 1962 - 2025 EON Productions Ltd, Danjaq LLC, MGM Inc. och United Artists Cooperation.

Omslagsbilder till James Bond böckerna © 1953 - 2025 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. och Glidrose Productions Ltd.

Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh