Privat signering med Eunice Gayson
Av: FSWL team
Eunice Gayson ("Sylvia Trench" in DR NO & FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE) will do a private signing with Bondstars on April 24th 2010.
Essential information before ordering
- The cost per signed item is £26.00, this includes worldwide postage and packing.
-Eunice will happily dedicate a still if required.
-Unfortunately they cannot accept your own items to be signed.
-All orders must be received by April 9th.
-Your item(s) will be shipped week beginning 26th April.
-All stills below are 10" x 8"
-If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Bondstars on
To order your signed photo of Eunice Gayson, click below: