Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Dressed To Kilt event i New York med Sean Connery

Av: Anders Frejdh
Dressed to kilt 2010
Före detta James Bond skådespelaren Sean Connery och andra skottska kändisar som Mike Myers och Alan Cumming (Boris Grishenko i GoldenEye (1995)) är i New York för Dressed To Kilt festligheterna.

A Scottish Evening of Fashion and Fun
The Honorary Chairmen, The Chairmen and Committee Members cordially invite you to join them for - DRESSED TO KILT - A Scottish Evening of Fashion and Fun.


This year’s show will celebrate mad style, eccentric style, individuality and the mix and match of colors and styles. Our designers have embraced the Spirit of “Anything Goes”. The catwalk will come alive as a visual feast of eccentric elegance, surreal ensembles, stunning fabrics and Mad Hatters. Join us for Dressed to Kilt 2010 as we fall Madly In Love with the Fashion of Scotland.

The Friends of Scotland will be opening a “Pop-Up Shop” to display the country’s finest designs from March 22-April 13 and the address is 13 East 69th Street, at the corner of Madison Avenue. All of the new designs seen on the runway on April 5 will be available for sale on Tuesday April 6 for the entire week. The public and buyers are encouraged to visit:
M2 Lounge
530 West 28th Street, New York City
(between 10th and 11th Avenues)

Attire: Something Scottish, and hats encouraged for the ladies

The Friends of Scotland charity and the producers of the event believe that we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude and thanks to the young men and women on both sides of the Atlantic that have risked their lives to help and protect all of us. Though we are an apolitical organization, we are outspoken when it comes to acknowledging the debt that we owe to these courageous young men and women. Therefore funds from this year’s event are being raised for the Wounded Warrior Project (www.woundedwarriorproject.org), the Paralyzed Veterans of America (www.pva.org) and the Erskine Hospital in Scotland (www.erskine.org.uk). Indeed, three highly decorated wounded warriors will be joining us on the runway.


The Friends Of Scotland is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to advancing contemporary Scottish interests and meeting contemporary Scottish needs in the United States.

For more information, visit the event website below:



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh