Ljudbok av Silverfena inläst av författaren Charlie Higson
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Ljudbok av Silverfena inläst av författaren Charlie Higson

Av: FSWL team
Silverfin audio book

File note strictly confidential - authorised personnel only. Subject: James Bond, Age: 13, Description: dark hair that falls in a comma above his brow, despite efforts to control it; blue eyes; tall for age; surprisingly strong; fluent French, good German. Essential components: a villain so vile no white fluffy cat would go near him; a girl - blond, green-eyed, named Wilder Lawless; and one fast car. Additional detail: sinister experiments at a remote castle in the Scottish Highlands; the disappearance of a young boy; and Britain building to war in the 1930s. Summary: A must-read book for spring. A hot sequel follows in autumn.

Fakta om ljudboken:
Författare: Charlie Higson
Uppläsare: Charlie Higson
Ljud-CD: 3 sidor
Publisher: Puffin Audiobooks
Språk: Engelska
ISBN-10: 0141806036
ISBN-13: 978-0141806037
Format: 14.4 x 12.4 x 2.4 cm

"James Bond is, without doubt, the daddy of all literary spies. His name is synonymous with intrigue and adventure, action and old-fashioned derring-do. So Silverfin, the first in a series of Charlie Higson’s fully authorised prequels to the most famous of all British Secret Service agents, has mightily big boots to fill. Fortunately, Higson is a genuine Bond aficionado who has remained true to the style of Ian Fleming’s creation, and his legend, to create an authentic story featuring a teenage Bond that should not disappoint other equally appreciative fans.

After a supremely scary opening sequence featuring some terrifying mutated eels and a gruesome death, Bond’s early days at Eton in the 30’s as a thirteen-year-old are the focus for the first third of the book. Since the death of his parents in a climbing accident, James had previously been educated at home by his aunt. The alien world of this infamous public school is a new world for him and he makes enemies immediately. But young James is not without a backbone of his own, and he soon begins to win small victories against those who choose to bully him.

It is, however, when James is in Scotland for the rest of book, at the remote home of his Aunt Charmian and Uncle Max, that his first great adventure, and mystery to solve, truly takes shape. A local Laird, in his ominous castle nearby, is conducting horrific scientific experiments that prove he is very mad indeed and a threat to society who must be defeated. Before this excitement is over, James has a date with some killer eels.

The author, well known for his comedic exploits on television in The Fast Show and for adult thrillers such as King of the Ants and Full Whack is without doubt a skilled writer. Bond purists might wince a little, that such an extension of Fleming’s legacy was needed at all, but despite being shackled by the constraints of its period setting, Silverfin is an intriguing read." - John McLay (Denna text refererar till pocketupplagan.)

Guardian, 5 mars 2005
"A well-crafted page-turner with substance… a most enjoyable, well-written book."
(Denna text refererar till pocketupplagan.)

Sunday Express, februari 2005
"A page-turning adventure that will get the hairs standing up on the back of your neck."
(Denna text refererar till pocketupplagan.)

Daily Mail, 11 mars 2005
"Good, gritty and funny… Very clever, Mr Bond, very clever indeed."
(Denna text refererar till pocketupplagan.)

Om författaren:
Charlie Higson is a well-known writer of screenplays and adult thriller novels. He's also a performer, co-creator of The Fast Show, and can currently be seen on BBC in Swiss Toni. Recently, people have begun to question whether this is the whole truth - or whether, in fact, it's an elaborate cover for a far more dangerous, secret career.

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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh