Remarkable Changes av Jane Seymour
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

Remarkable Changes av Jane Seymour

Av: Anders Frejdh
Jane seymour biography remarkable changes
Nyutgivning av Jane Seymours officiella biografi Remarkable Changes: Turning Life's Challenges into Opportunities skriven av Pamela Patrick Novotny. Boken ges nu i en häftad utgåva av Regan Books in America.

In this inspiring memoir, internationally beloved actress Jane Seymour shows how she has learned to embrace and learn from the many changes in her life.

Now fifty, Jane Seymour - the eternally beautiful star of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and countless other television shows and films - is a living testament to the rewards of embracing midlife and its challenges eagerly and gracefully.

In Remarkable Changes, she leads the reader through the challenges of those years - from the physical changes that come with the territory to the emotional transformations that accompany this passage of life.

From understanding the stages of change, to making every moment significant, she helps us find the true value in our life transitions, from marriage and divorce to career changes to milestones in the lives of our parents and children. Whether we initiate change in our life or it is thrust upon us by circumstances beyond our control, Jane shows that we should stop coping with change and start actively incorporating it into our lives, using the hard–won wisdom we? all gained through the years.

Holding up as an example her own life and the lives of those closest to her, Seymour empowers us to accept life shifts and teaches us how to take even the toughest situations and turn them into strengthening tools. She talks about her own experiences with divorce and remarriage, children and stepchildren, and her new twin boys, and she describes her indomitable mother's difficult years in a World War II prison camp in Indonesia. Her best friend faced her own challenges when learning to understand her son's mental illness, and another friend started a grief recovery organization when his wife and son were murdered.

We all need to face the beginnings and endings that make up our constantly changing lives. And this warm, inspiring book shows that we can all learn how to make each change remarkable.

Häftad: 240 sidor
ISBN-10: 006008748X
Förlag: Regan Books (en del av HarperCollins)
Först utgiven den 15 april 2003 (inbunden utgåva)

Om författaren:
Jane Seymour är en hyllad skådespelerska som medverkat i mer än 50 filmer och tv-program. Hon är författare till Jane Seymour's Guide to Romantic Living och Two at a Time. Förutom hennes konstanta arbete med film och tv målar Jane i akvarell och olja. Hon ställer ut och säljer sitt arbete runt om i Amerika. Hon har också en egen klädkollektion med tyger som bygger på hennes målningar, kläderna säljs av Crossing Pointes katalog. Hon bor med sin make, James Keach, och deras barn i Malibu, Kalifornien.

Redaktörens anmärkning:
För fler biografier presenterade på From Sweden with Love, klicka här.

Beställ Remarkable Changes: Turning Life's Challenges into Opportunities från Amazon:



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh