The Folio Society-utgåva av Ian Flemings From Russia With Love
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

The Folio Society-utgåva av Ian Flemings From Russia With Love

Av: FSWL team
From Russia With Love The Folio Society
En mycket vacker upplaga av From Russia With Love , den andra James Bond romanen av Ian Fleming (1908-1964), publiceras av The Folio Society i Storbritannien. Often named by Bond fans as Fleming’s best novel, this suspenseful thriller sees 007 ensnared by an elaborate honeytrap set by SMERSH. The introduction for the new edition is written by John Banville and illustrated by Fay Dalton.

Named as Ian Fleming’s finest novel in numerous polls, and described by the author as, ‘In many respects, my best book’, this nail-biting thriller sees 007 ensnared by an elaborate plot devised by the Soviet counter-intelligence agency, SMERSH.

Set among the bazaars and minarets of Istanbul, and aboard the Orient Express, the novel features some of the series’ most memorable characters. The ebullient and dissipated Darko Kerim reigns over ‘Station T’ with the help of his many children, and becomes Bond’s firm comrade. Rosa Klebb is the repugnant SMERSH operations chief whose weaponry includes a boot concealing a poison-tipped knife; Red Grant is the terrifying psychopath whose lust for murder has made him Chief Executioner. Tatiana Romanova is the ravishing, guileless instrument of a deadly honeytrap designed to destroy and defame the Secret Service’s greatest agent.

This elegant edition features a pictorial slipcase and alluring illustrations by Fay Dalton, whose work also appears in the Folio edition of Casino Royale.

Inbunden: 272 sidor
Förlag: The Folio Society
Språk: Engelska
Set in Miller Text with Folio
Titelplansch och sex färgillustrationer
HÃ¥rt bildomslag
Format: 9 x 6¼ tum
Rekommenderad pris: 34.95 pund

Om författaren:
Ian Lancaster Fleming föddes i London 1908. Han utbildades på Eton College och utomlands i Tyskland och Österrike. Efter att ha arbetat som börsmäklare blev han assistent till chefen för Naval Intelligence i amiralitetet under Andra världskriget. 1952 skrev han Casino Royale, den första av 14 James Bond titlar, varav 30 miljoner exemplar såldes under hans livstid. Han var gift med Anne Rothermere med vilken han hade en son, Caspar. Fleming dog 1964.

Redaktörens anmärkning:
Besök den officiella hemsidan för Ian Fleming Publications för mer information.

Bild ovan:
Bokomslaget till From Russia With Love av Ian Fleming, den andra James Bond romanen. © 2016 The Folio Society. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.

Beställ From Russia With Love av Ian Fleming från The Folio Society.



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh