Överste Sun (1968) skriven av Kingsley Amis
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Överste Sun (1968) skriven av Kingsley Amis

Av: Anders Frejdh
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First edition UK hardcover of Colonel Sun (1968)
First edition UK hardcover of Colonel Sun (1968)Swedish pocket edition (1970)
Lunch at Scott's, a quiet game of golf, a routine social call on his chief M, convalescing in his Regency house in Berkshire - the life of secret agent James Bond has begun to fall into a pattern that threatens complacency … until the sunny afternoon when M is kidnapped and his house staff savagely murdered.

The action ricochets across the globe to a volcanic Greek island where the glacial, malign Colonel Sun Liang-tan of the People's Liberation Army of China collaborates with an ex-nazi atrocity expert in a world-menacing conspiracy. Bond finds himself working in alliance with the beautiful tawny-blonde agent of a rival secret service in the struggle to overpower this ruthless enemy who discards the unwritten rules of espionage. Stripped of all professional aids, Bond faces unarmed the monstrous devices of Colonel Sun in a test that brings him to the verge of his physical endurance.

Incredibly, the author adds his own imaginative impetus to the Bond saga yet preserves all the excitement and eloquence, the pace and glitter of a vintage Fleming novel
Ursprungligt pris:
Robert Markam (Kingsley Amis)
Antal sidor:
Översatt till svenska av:
Louis Chrysander
Omslag designat av:
Leif Zetterling
Först utgiven i England:
Utgiven i Sverige:
Storlek på förstaupplaga:
Utgiven av:
- James Bond ... Hjälte
- Ariadne Alexandrou ... Bondbrud
- Överste Sun ... Huvudskurk
- Von Richter ... Annan skurk
- Niko Litsas ... Vän till Bond
- Bill Tanner ... Vän till Bond
London, Aten och Vrakonisi (Ö mellan Grekland och Turkiet)
Brittisk utgåva:
Ingen beställningsinformation tillgänglig.
Amerikansk utgåva:
Ingen beställningsinformation tillgänglig.
Denna bok är ännu inte utgiven i detta format.



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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh