Ljudbok av By Royal Command inläst av författaren Charlie Higson
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-04

Ljudbok av By Royal Command inläst av författaren Charlie Higson

Av: FSWL team
By royal command audio book

Fakta om ljudboken:
Författare: Charlie Higson
Uppläsare: Charlie Higson
Förlag: Puffin Audiobooks
Språk: Engelska
ISBN-10: 0141808764
ISBN-13: 978-0141808765
Format: 13.8 x 12.6 x 2.6 cm

"Charlie Higson's Young Bond books get an A*"

"Would have made Ian Fleming proud"
Daily Telegraph

"More action, more demented crime and more flesh-crawling deaths than ever before"

Following a treacherous rescue mission high in the freezing Alps, James Bond is preparing for life back at Eton. But James is under surveillance; his every move is being watched. He alone holds the clue to a sinister plot that will bring bloodshed and carnage to his school - and his country. Forced to flee from Eton to Austria, James must leave behind everything he knows, with only a beautiful - and dangerous - girl by his side. Soon he is trapped in a deadly war of secrets and lies, as a nightmare reunion with a bitter enemy plunges him once more into the face of death. Life for James Bond will never be the same again.

Several authors were approached by Ian Fleming Publications to write the Young Bond series. They were gathered in a secret mountain hideaway and sat around a huge marble-topped table. Charlie Higson pulled a lever and the other authors disappeared into a shark-infested tank. So Charlie got the job and the Young Bond series is a phenomenal No. 1 bestselling success. Charlie Higson is also a well-known writer of screenplays and novels, as well as a performer and co-creator of The Fast Show.

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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh