007 Exotic Location: Bahamas skriven av James Arnold
Hemsidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-20

007 Exotic Location: Bahamas skriven av James Arnold

Av: FSWL team
007 Exotic Location Bahamas
James Arnold Jr. has written another Bond location book entitled 007 Exotic Location; Bahamas.

Book synopsis
Ever wanted to visit those exciting and exotic film locations of James Bond, but never knew where to find them?
This book points you in the right direction. 007 Exotic Location, Bahamas, shows you the 50 Exotic filming Locations of Seven of the 007 James Bond films shot in the Bahamas and also points out over 140 other filming sights from other films that you will want to see along the way! More than 360 pages and 300 Pictures in Book! Trivia and Bloopers are given from each of the Seven 007 James Bond films examined. Country locations of every 007 film are given. In the second half of the book over 200 007 Real Props and Collectables Shown! Most of the collectables you can buy directly from the author's website.

Book details
Paperback: 362 pages
Publisher: Reel Art; 1st edition
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0974324116
ISBN-13: 978-0974324111
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

Author James Arnold's website HERE

Redaktörens anmärkning:
För fler engelska Bond-böcker presenterade på From Sweden with Love, klicka här.

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Grundare & Ansvarig utgivare: Anders Frejdh